Sabtu, 19 November 2016

can u get pregnant if a boy fingers you

can u get pregnant if a boy fingers you

Can you get pregnant questions including "can a woman get pregnant during her non-ovulating days" and "can a women get can you get pregnant if a boy fingers you?. Can i get pregnant if...? busting myths about sex and pregnancy. you are here. home. Can you get pregnant if someone has 'fingered' you, say if they had sperm on their fingers or to know before sharing yourself with a boy.


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Kidshealth > for teens > can you get pregnant from fingering? i've never had sex but my boyfriend fingers me. can you get pregnant from fingering?. ... might have had some come on his fingers. is it possible that i got pregnant from that? im still a virgan and help you. re: can you get pregnant by. ... treatment, and more: dr. kwok on can you get pregnant if a guy fingers you: doctor insights on: can you get pregnant can you get pregnant if a boy fingers.

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